Project Neo

Supercharge your geometric artwork

Project Stardust

Create what you imagine

Project Blink

AI-powered video editing on the web

Project Vector Edge

Assets in the real world

Project Magnetic Type

Create magnetic fusions with Type & Vectors

Project Instant Add

Seamlessly add dynamic graphics to your videos

Project In the Shade

Shadow aware photo editing

Project Artistic Scenes

Transform 3D scenes into various art styles

Project Beyond the Seen

Generate 360° panoramas from a single 2D image

Project All of Me

AI powered portrait uncropping, outfit editing, end more

Project Clever Composites

AI-powered Automatic Object Compositing

Project Motion Mix

Human Animation in a Loop from Images

Project Shasta

AI-powered audio recording and editing on the web

Project Sunshine

Add vibrant colors and lighting to your vector art

Strike a Pose

Change a person's pose

Artful Frames

Transfer style from artwork to video

Make it Pop

Vectorize graphics in images

Stylish Strokes

Stylize your text based on strokes

Shadow Drop

Create realistic shadows in 2D images


Animate your photos

On Point

Find images based on body pose

Project Morpheus

Change facial attributes in videos

Hello Halftones

Creating vector halftone effects

Fantastic Fold

Fold 2D dielines in 3D


Digitizing real-world objects into 3D assets

2D Plus

Bringing 3D capabilities to flat vector graphics

Comic Blast

Reinventing the way comics are created and consumed

Typographic Brushes

Creating beautiful and unique custom fonts from brushstrokes

Material World

Using AI to convert pictures into digital materials

In Sync

Connecting Adobe XD designs to real, production-ready code

On the Beat

An AI-powered music video editing tool for synchronizing body movements to beats

AR Together

Unlocking AR collaboration by creating consistent virtual environments

Physics Whiz

Intuitive 3D object manipulation using real-time physics

Sharp Shots

Using AI to remove motion blur from photos and video